Just to recap the year, we successfully finished several champions this year.
Ch. Charthill's Worldy Ayre (Jeff and Lori Waite, C & K Hill)
Ch. McVan's Sentimental Journey (Vandra Huber, M. Krowleski, R. Cross
Ch. McVan's Be Bop Baby (Vandra Huber, M. Krowleski, R. Cross)
Ch. Palomas Scalawag Secret Agent (Rintaro Nakahara, Michi Kohno, R.Cross)
Ch. Afterglows Beameups Lets Play (Lisa Inman, Robert Inman)TY M. Aroney!
Wire Fox
Ch. Purston Society Girl (Michael Collings, R. Cross)
Ch. Purston Imperial Prince (Michael Collings, R. Cross)
Ch. Abbapoola's Latin Lover (T. Moynihan, J. Valle)
Alvin (T. Moynihan)
Whats coming in 2011
Our specials lineup
Wire, Ch. Purston Imperial Prince
Scotty, Ch. McVans Be Bop Baby
Scotty, Ch. McVans Sentimental Journey (through Feb)
Scotty, Ch. Afterglows Beameups Lets Play (finish GCH)
Westie, Ch. Glennhaven's Danny Boy O Donnybrook (through Feb)
Class Dogs on deck
(please contact me)
Kellie (bitch)
Angus (dog)
I am booked for the Roving in CA for Scotties
Ellie (bitch)
I am booked for wires for now
Ch. Land Rose R. JP All Right, sire of national WD and WB winners in 2010! Max will be home in February from his Brazil vacation if anyone is interested.
Rebecca Cross currently provides limited handling services to a small number of dogs as she also works full time as a Windows/Linux Systems Administrator for the Agency Consulting Group in Maryland. Please visit often for dog show results, schedules, dogs we are currently showing both campaign and class and recent photos. We update quite frequently so check back often!
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
December results and Happy Holidays!
December was a whirlwind! Ryoma, now New Ch. Palomas Scalawag Secret Agent finished his championship from the 12-18 Month class at the Turkey Cluster in MD, topped of with WD/BOW/BOB.
We headed off to Long Beach, CA for the Eukanuba Invitational and Eggnog Cluster where we had an awesome time.
Wednesday Results
Wire Fox, Jonjo (Ch. Purston Imperial Prince" was Select Dog
Scotties, Frankie (Ch. McVans Sentimental Journey" was Select Dog out of a nice entry
Westies, Danny was Best of Breed and made the cut in the Group under Peggy Beisel M.
Thursday Results
Wire Fox, Jonjo was Best of Opposite Sex under John Killeen.
Scotties, Frankie was Select Dog under Peter Green.
Westies, Danny was also Best of Breed under Peter Green.
Friday Results
Wire Fox, Jonjo was Best of Breed under Sweden judge Dan Ericcson and made the cut in the group.
Scotties, Frankie showed well (:))
Westies, Danny was Best of Breed and also made the cut under Phyllis Wolfish.
We then went on to show Danny at Eukanuba where he was 2010 Best of Breed! We did not exhibit Frankie and Jonjo, they were not entered or qualified so it was a nice relaxing day.
We then ended the year with awesome results in Winston-Salem, NC.
Danny got Back to Back Group 1s and a Group 2 to the #1 Dog in the US (at the time).
Frankie was Best of Breed all 3 days and also made a cut one day with Gerardo Reyes (Thank you so much for handling him!)
Thanks to judges David Kirkland, M.J. Carberry, and Peggy Beisel for these wonderful wins and what a way to end the year!
Danny finished off as #2 Westie in Breed points and #3 behind his half sister in All Breed! He garnered 8 Group wins this year, 12 Group 2s, 7 Group 3s, and 6 Group 4s for the year, not bad for a part timer, as well as several noted Specialty Best of Breeds! Thanks to all the judges that rewarded Danny this year! And congrats to Fred and Blair!
I want to thank all of my clients this year for their understanding and support throughout the year and with all the traveling.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Whats been happening!

Lets start with October! Wow what a worldwind that month was.
Montgomery Weekend results
Morris and Essex Kennel Club
Danny was Select Dog to the Best of Breed out of a field of 70 or so westies
Jonjo the Wire was Winners Dog and Best of Winners under Sandra G. Allen
Not much happened in scotties for us on this day.
Hatboro Kennel Club
Jonjo the Wire finished his championship under Richard Powell going Winners Dog and Best of Winners! He finished with 4 majors in 4 shows.
Danny was Best of Breed in Westies under Barbara Hands, Breeder/Judge from England!
Ch. Princescots Prime Suspect "Emma" was Select Bitch out of a nice field of Scotties! Emma is owned by Helen Prince/Geoff Dawson/Anne Frankewich
Devon Dog Show
Danny was Select Dog to the Best of Breed in Westies under Kathy Ferris.
Betsy, McVan's Be Bop Baby was Winners Bitch/Best of Winners under Kathy Ferris, her brother Ch. McVan's Sentimental Journey was Select Dog, Emma was Select Bitch so we had an awesome day in scotties!
Montgomery County kennel Club
Danny received an Award of Merit at Montgomery under Ken McDermott
Jonjo the wire, Ch. Purston Imperial Prince was moved up as a special and went Best of Opposite over some the top specials in the country at just under 2 years old under breeder judge Mari Morrisey.
Betsy again was Winners Bitch/Best of Winners under Richard Powell for the STCA National Specialty.
Ryoma also won the 9-12 month puppy class which was great for him.
We then went on to our Howard county cluster the following weekend where Betsy finished her AKC Ch. going Winners Bitch/Best of Winners under breeder judge Pam Wilson at the DC Specialty. Danny won the breed the two days he was shown, and Emma picked up the breed on Saturday, as well as Best of Opposite the next day, Betsy also received points towards her Grand Champion going select a few days after being moved up. Betsy also won Best in Sweeps under Cairn Breeder Ms. Wilson at the DC Specialty.
Ryoma gained Winners Dog one day for a major, and has worked his way up to needing just 2 single points to finish. We welcome his new co-owner Mr. Kohno to the Ryoma team.
This month in November after a vacation of two weeks, Danny hit the ground running taking a Group 3 and Group 2 at the Virginia Beach cluster in a tough group of terriers.
The following weekend at Eastern Shore Danny also nabbed 2 more Group 2s in a tough group of dogs as well.
This past weekend in Philadelphia where they televise the national dog show, Danny was Best of Breed all the days, a Group 3 on Friday and made the cut for TV on Saturday and made the cut on Sunday as well.
Jonjo was Best of breed both days.
Frankie was Best of Opposite 3 days, Ryoma was Winners Dog for 2 points on two days.
A very successful past few months I should say! :)
Until next time! Photo above by Lisa Croft Elliot. :)
Monday, September 27, 2010
Where do I Begin

Its been a busy summer, so busy I haven't had time to update the blog and who knows when I'll update the website. :):)
June Highlights
Danny and I flew out West to Great Western where he was Best of Breed both days, one of which was a specialty, Fred got to watch so that was awesome, he showed like a champ! :)
Danny and I flew up to Alaska for a visit where Danny was Group 2 and 2 Group 1s at the Kenai Kennel Club Shows, also managed to get 2 majors on Joanne's mini poodle. :)
Danny and I drove 10 hours to Greenville, SC where Danny picked up back 2 back group ones over a field of 200 or so terriers each day, awesome!!!
Emma, New. Ch. Princescots Prime Suspect, who came to me in the spring for conditioning, picked up both her majors in Greenville, go Best of Opposite one day over the special and BOW.
Then it was off to Canfield, where Danny was Best of Breed the first 3 days under wonderful judges such as Harry O Donohue, Peggy Beisel, and Sally George, all of which were specialties and picked up over 100 breed points for the weekend.
Emma, then went Winners Bitch BOW the first day at Canfield finishing her championship in record time, and then moved up as a special, she went Best of Opposite the next three days over the other special giving her 10 points towards her Grand Champion.
We then took Emma to shows in Ohio where she got back to back Group 4s with Maddie Aroney and Sarah Karger handling. Danny also received a Group 2 at these shows.
Then it was off to Washington State for Danny and me to visit Vandra and see puppies. Danny again went Best of Breed all 3 days a wonderful Group 2 under Elaine Young for another good chunk of 200 or so points. Frankie, my wheaty scottie boy was Best of Breed with Travis the first day and then BOS the next two days to his bitch special Ginger.
Then it was back to NJ for Labor Day where Danny went Best of Breed each day for a few more points.
September Highlights
Went back out to Ohio where Emma got a Group 4 and Group 2 with my Mom's expert handling. Danny was Best of Breed both days.
Massachusetts was the next stop where Emma picked up more Grand Champion points and went Best of Breed on the final day over a field of 3 specials under Mr. Peter Green, an honor!!! Then Danny went on to a Group 2 under Peter Green later in the day!!! An exciting win for me!
This past weekend we went to Butler PA where Emma pulled off a Group 1 with Sarah Karger handling, and then on to BOB and the cut the next day. Danny pulled off the breed the first day and then went on to Group 1 under Lydia Hutchison on Sunday, what a weekend!
phewww....I think I'm done, probably won't hear from me until after Montgomery! Good Luck to all!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Great Weekends!!!!
Where do we start!
1. NEW Ch. McVan's Sentimental Journey "Frankie" finished his Championship with WD/BOW at the New England Specialty under Mrs. Roz Kramer. Frankie finished with 3 specialty wins. The Frankie flew back to Washington and on June 11/12/13 he was Best of Breed at the Washington Scotty Specialty at 12 months of age first time out as a special and then Group 2 on Saturday and Group 1 on Sunday, handled by Travis L.
2. Danny had 3 BOB wins at the NEW Castle circuit on all three days he showed. Then he also had an awesome weekend at Skyline Kennel Club going Group 4 and Group 3 in a field of tough comepetition.
3. Paloma Scalawag Secret Agent went WD/BOW under Karen Wilson for his first major from 6-9 months!! He also got a Puppy Group 2 at New Castle and then a Puppy Group 1 at the Wrightstown shows.
4. Carlos the Pom finished his championship with a major at New Castle going WD/BOW and then at Virginia got his first GC points going Select.
5. Our new class male, Alvin the Pom his 2nd time out went Winners Dog for a 3 point major in Virginia!!
We've been busy, more to come!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
My little Latin Lover Carlos!
Danny Group 1 and 2 in Florence, South Carolina!
Danny has been taking some time off here and there, but we have started off May pretty good!
Garden State Terrier - Best of Breed and a spar in the group! :)
Best of Breed/Group 1 and 2 - Myrtle Beach Kennel Club
Jenny was also shown and was Best of Opposite at the Trenton Kennel Club Show and little Carlos the Pomeranian is up to 13 points with just needing 2 singles to finish! :) We are preparing for the memorial weekend celebrations and shows in New Castle! :)
Garden State Terrier - Best of Breed and a spar in the group! :)
Best of Breed/Group 1 and 2 - Myrtle Beach Kennel Club
Jenny was also shown and was Best of Opposite at the Trenton Kennel Club Show and little Carlos the Pomeranian is up to 13 points with just needing 2 singles to finish! :) We are preparing for the memorial weekend celebrations and shows in New Castle! :)
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
News News News

Well, we had a great past few weeks!
Jenny, NEW Ch. Charthill's Worldly Ayre finished her Championship in style with Best of Breed all three days at the Massachusetts cluster, the first two days going BOB/BOW/WB over the special for 3 point majors and then Best of Breed Sunday as a move up!
Carlos the Pom went WD/BOB for a point on Friday and RWD on Sunday, Saturday the competition ran away! :)
Danny the Westie was Best of Breed on Sunday!
At the Dayton Scottish Terrier Club Specialty Jenny won the Open Bitch class, Polo won the Veteran class at 9 years of age, and Bob, Ch. Afterglows Beameups Captain Hook got the Award of Merit!
We've been busy and are now off to Houston for the scottie national!
Monday, March 22, 2010
Danny Boy is on a roll!!!!

Well March so far as been both busy and fulfilling for us!
Ch. Glennhaven's Danny Boy O' Donnybrook was Best of Breed under Judge Mr. Clay Coady at the Valley of the Sun WHWTC in Arizona in conjunction with the national Rotating specialty for the Westies!
At the National he was also Award of Merit under Seymour Weiss.
This past weekend in York, Danny was showing 3 of the 5 shows, of which he was Best of Breed all 3 days, with a G3 under Polly Smith, G2 under Robert Smith and G4 under Alice Watkins.
Thanks to all that supported him through the rotating for those that knew we had obstacles to overcome!!!
Charthill's Worldly Ayre (Scotty) - Jenny, who I got the first 5 points on, singled out this past weekend in York with Geoff Dawson and will now come back for me to get her majors! She was Best of Breed 3 out of the 4 days, one day over a special!
Our newest addition, Carlos the Pomeranian, Latin Lover was Resever Winners Dog all 3 days that he showed in York as well!
Now we have a break, and then gearing up for the Scottish Terrier club of Greater Dayton Specialty!
Tuesday, March 02, 2010
Danny goes to Chicago!!!
At the big shows in Chicago, to include Blackhawk KC and International Kennel Club Friday/Sunday, Danny was:
Best of Breed - Judge Ms. Patty Keenan and Group 2 under Barbara Keenan
Best of Breed - Ron Menaker and Group 4 under Pat Trotter
Thank you to all the judges and fans!!! We had a blast!
Best of Breed - Judge Ms. Patty Keenan and Group 2 under Barbara Keenan
Best of Breed - Ron Menaker and Group 4 under Pat Trotter
Thank you to all the judges and fans!!! We had a blast!
Friday, February 19, 2010
Westminster come and gone with success!!!
Just got home from Westminster with great results!!!
Ch. Glennhaven's Danny Boy Donnybrook was Award of Merit! (Westie)
Ch. Land Rose R. JP Dear Mrs. was also Award of Merit to Sadie! (Scottie)
Pictures coming soon we hope!
Ch. Glennhaven's Danny Boy Donnybrook was Award of Merit! (Westie)
Ch. Land Rose R. JP Dear Mrs. was also Award of Merit to Sadie! (Scottie)
Pictures coming soon we hope!
Wednesday, February 03, 2010
Danny Group 2 Annapolis KC, Group 3 At Middleburg KC, VA!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Maryland Circuit a success!
Ch. Land Rose R. JP Dear Mrs. had a clean sweep in the breed ring, winning Best of Breed all three days she was shown!
And Ch. Glenhaven's Danny Boy O' Donnybrook was Best of Breed on Sunday and a Group 2! We had some good competition and it was a good weekend.
Thank you to all the judges, and Mr. Alfred Ferruggiaro for the group placement!
On to Virginia!
And Ch. Glenhaven's Danny Boy O' Donnybrook was Best of Breed on Sunday and a Group 2! We had some good competition and it was a good weekend.
Thank you to all the judges, and Mr. Alfred Ferruggiaro for the group placement!
On to Virginia!
Monday, January 11, 2010
What a way to start the year!!!

We flew to Glen Rose, Texas this past weekend on a mission to finish the Wire Fox, Sally!
Sally is now NEW CH. Purston Society Girl, owned by Michael Collings, myself, and Sandi Hughes. She finished with Winners Bitch/Best of Winners and Best of Breed, and also making a cut in the group, handled by Klayton Harris.
Danny was also shown, the westie, and was Best of breed, cut in the group on saturday, as well as Best of Breed on Sunday and a Group 3!!!
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