Lets start with October! Wow what a worldwind that month was.
Montgomery Weekend results
Morris and Essex Kennel Club
Danny was Select Dog to the Best of Breed out of a field of 70 or so westies
Jonjo the Wire was Winners Dog and Best of Winners under Sandra G. Allen
Not much happened in scotties for us on this day.
Hatboro Kennel Club
Jonjo the Wire finished his championship under Richard Powell going Winners Dog and Best of Winners! He finished with 4 majors in 4 shows.
Danny was Best of Breed in Westies under Barbara Hands, Breeder/Judge from England!
Ch. Princescots Prime Suspect "Emma" was Select Bitch out of a nice field of Scotties! Emma is owned by Helen Prince/Geoff Dawson/Anne Frankewich
Devon Dog Show
Danny was Select Dog to the Best of Breed in Westies under Kathy Ferris.
Betsy, McVan's Be Bop Baby was Winners Bitch/Best of Winners under Kathy Ferris, her brother Ch. McVan's Sentimental Journey was Select Dog, Emma was Select Bitch so we had an awesome day in scotties!
Montgomery County kennel Club
Danny received an Award of Merit at Montgomery under Ken McDermott
Jonjo the wire, Ch. Purston Imperial Prince was moved up as a special and went Best of Opposite over some the top specials in the country at just under 2 years old under breeder judge Mari Morrisey.
Betsy again was Winners Bitch/Best of Winners under Richard Powell for the STCA National Specialty.
Ryoma also won the 9-12 month puppy class which was great for him.
We then went on to our Howard county cluster the following weekend where Betsy finished her AKC Ch. going Winners Bitch/Best of Winners under breeder judge Pam Wilson at the DC Specialty. Danny won the breed the two days he was shown, and Emma picked up the breed on Saturday, as well as Best of Opposite the next day, Betsy also received points towards her Grand Champion going select a few days after being moved up. Betsy also won Best in Sweeps under Cairn Breeder Ms. Wilson at the DC Specialty.
Ryoma gained Winners Dog one day for a major, and has worked his way up to needing just 2 single points to finish. We welcome his new co-owner Mr. Kohno to the Ryoma team.
This month in November after a vacation of two weeks, Danny hit the ground running taking a Group 3 and Group 2 at the Virginia Beach cluster in a tough group of terriers.
The following weekend at Eastern Shore Danny also nabbed 2 more Group 2s in a tough group of dogs as well.
This past weekend in Philadelphia where they televise the national dog show, Danny was Best of Breed all the days, a Group 3 on Friday and made the cut for TV on Saturday and made the cut on Sunday as well.
Jonjo was Best of breed both days.
Frankie was Best of Opposite 3 days, Ryoma was Winners Dog for 2 points on two days.
A very successful past few months I should say! :)
Until next time! Photo above by Lisa Croft Elliot. :)