Where do we start!
1. NEW Ch. McVan's Sentimental Journey "Frankie" finished his Championship with WD/BOW at the New England Specialty under Mrs. Roz Kramer. Frankie finished with 3 specialty wins. The Frankie flew back to Washington and on June 11/12/13 he was Best of Breed at the Washington Scotty Specialty at 12 months of age first time out as a special and then Group 2 on Saturday and Group 1 on Sunday, handled by Travis L.
2. Danny had 3 BOB wins at the NEW Castle circuit on all three days he showed. Then he also had an awesome weekend at Skyline Kennel Club going Group 4 and Group 3 in a field of tough comepetition.
3. Paloma Scalawag Secret Agent went WD/BOW under Karen Wilson for his first major from 6-9 months!! He also got a Puppy Group 2 at New Castle and then a Puppy Group 1 at the Wrightstown shows.
4. Carlos the Pom finished his championship with a major at New Castle going WD/BOW and then at Virginia got his first GC points going Select.
5. Our new class male, Alvin the Pom his 2nd time out went Winners Dog for a 3 point major in Virginia!!
We've been busy, more to come!