Well March so far as been both busy and fulfilling for us!
Ch. Glennhaven's Danny Boy O' Donnybrook was Best of Breed under Judge Mr. Clay Coady at the Valley of the Sun WHWTC in Arizona in conjunction with the national Rotating specialty for the Westies!
At the National he was also Award of Merit under Seymour Weiss.
This past weekend in York, Danny was showing 3 of the 5 shows, of which he was Best of Breed all 3 days, with a G3 under Polly Smith, G2 under Robert Smith and G4 under Alice Watkins.
Thanks to all that supported him through the rotating for those that knew we had obstacles to overcome!!!
Charthill's Worldly Ayre (Scotty) - Jenny, who I got the first 5 points on, singled out this past weekend in York with Geoff Dawson and will now come back for me to get her majors! She was Best of Breed 3 out of the 4 days, one day over a special!
Our newest addition, Carlos the Pomeranian, Latin Lover was Resever Winners Dog all 3 days that he showed in York as well!
Now we have a break, and then gearing up for the Scottish Terrier club of Greater Dayton Specialty!