Okay, don't laugh, I was involved in poodles when I was younger, most don't know that I used to handle Standards for my dear friend Joanne Langseth and had a pretty good run with one her blacks named Cole. So let me introduce you to "Sam", Smash JP Alaskan Dream, he was born October 22, 2007 and what a little dream he is. He is from one of the best kennels in the world and from my good friend Toshi Omura of Smash Poodles. Toshi was one of the first people I met when I came to Japan and opened his arms and help to me, so I've always supported him and his dogs. It was really an honor for him to trust me with one of his poodles, and Joanne and I will co-own him together, he will reside with Joanne in Alaska so she can kick some butt with him up there. We are hoping that he can go to PCA, he'll be in 6-9 months puppy dog. His nickname is "Smash" to all his Japan friends!
Everything with the scots is going well, we didn't show Max last weekend due to conflict of interest, Goldie was Excellent Group the first day after deciding she didn't like the space heaters, and on Sunday she was BOB and Group 1st under Judge Mr. Sugahara, whom used to work for Peter Green and Bergit long ago, he's been a wonderful friend and support and just started his judging career last year after a huge retirement party, already he's judged in Europe at some big shows and having a blast.
Well, until next time,